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Debian stable ? Why does it rock for server and not for an efficient daily laptop [on hold]

The 2019 Stack Overflow Developer Survey Results Are InHow to keep my Debian system with the latest packages?Stable server distribution without systemd (for OpenVZ)?Linux Debian codenamesFull local copy of an entire distro?Recommended way of repackaging proprietary deb packages, which include old system libraries`apt update` failed on Debian LinuxUpgrading Debian stable dailyTouchpad buttons do not release after press (Debian Gnome and others)APT source.list issueWhat are the area(s) of difference between Linux distributions that involve an actual incompatibility?

.everyoneloves__top-leaderboard:empty,.everyoneloves__mid-leaderboard:empty,.everyoneloves__bot-mid-leaderboard:empty margin-bottom:0;


 ,g$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$P. OS: Debian 9.8 stretch
,g$$P"" """Y$$.". Kernel: x86_64 Linux 4.19.0-0.bpo.2-amd64
,$$P' `$$$. Uptime: 6h 25m
',$$P ,ggs. `$$b: Packages: 1891
`d$$' ,$P"' . $$$ Shell: zsh 5.3.1
$$P d$' , $$P Resolution: 1920x1080
$$: $$. - ,d$$' DE: XFCE
$$; Y$b._ _,d$P' WM: Xfwm4
Y$$. `.`"Y$$$$P"' WM Theme: Moheli
`$$b "-.__ GTK Theme: Adwaita-dark [GTK2]
`Y$$ Icon Theme: Zafiro-icons
`Y$$. Font: TeX Gyre Bonum 10
`$$b. CPU: Intel Core i5-6440HQ CPU @ 3.5GHz
`Y$$b. GPU: Mesa DRI Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 (Skylake GT2)
`"Y$b._ RAM: 3548MiB / 7599MiB

Everything is fine using Debian stable, but sometimes (and it is the case right now, especially just before the Debian buster stable release), I am haunted by other demons :
- ArchLinux or Manjaro. Well I am a mathematician and I am not fond of playing computer games. I like when the things are stable because I hate losing time to rebuilt my system after a break system. I don't developed anything for the linux community and after watching this video,

it seems to me Arch is more suitable for developers.
So I give up using any Arch distribution, and I can live peacefully with it.

One aspect that I loved about Arch is that it has this minimalist philosophy but this has a cost (the time needed). Moreover I think it's the best way to learn about a linux distribution by ourself because we need to debug knowing what we are doing and not just copy/paste for the documentation.

I choose Debian stable with minimal install and then I added my file manager (pcmanfm) and all other software I needed (using backport or flatpak (inkscape, gimp, geogebra, franz, blender, steams,...)).

My question is the following: we read a lot about the stable release that it provides very old packages. Can you give me examples where this could lead me to say: "arf Debian stable is not that perfect".

Referring to

Debian has a lot of valuable points, even if I consider the votes biased. It is the best distribution for machine learning algorithms, a domain which is continuously changing. So why on the one hand we say it uses a lot of very old package and on the other hand it is the best to use for new libraries in python, ... ?

What is struggling me is that people easily says that Debian is bad since it has old packages but I don't have precise situations where it could be a problem to use old package.

Take an example: java with openjdk and openjre. The version is not the same for testing and stable, but is it really a huge change (in terms of productivity or available libraries or software) to use the newest version of java ?

More WTF
Is there a "sociology" study (on the social aspect, on the professional aspect or any relevant criterion) on the linux community related to the distribution that they used ?

share|improve this question

put on hold as primarily opinion-based by Romeo Ninov, GAD3R, JdeBP, RoVo, muru Apr 8 at 14:26

Many good questions generate some degree of opinion based on expert experience, but answers to this question will tend to be almost entirely based on opinions, rather than facts, references, or specific expertise. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

  • 2

    People are not telepathic, and cannot determine what will affect your productivity nor what your personal idea of perfection is. Neither, moreover, is an objective criterion against which right answers can be measured. This is a Q&A WWW site, where answers are marked right and wrong by people.

    – JdeBP
    Apr 8 at 14:16


 ,g$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$P. OS: Debian 9.8 stretch
,g$$P"" """Y$$.". Kernel: x86_64 Linux 4.19.0-0.bpo.2-amd64
,$$P' `$$$. Uptime: 6h 25m
',$$P ,ggs. `$$b: Packages: 1891
`d$$' ,$P"' . $$$ Shell: zsh 5.3.1
$$P d$' , $$P Resolution: 1920x1080
$$: $$. - ,d$$' DE: XFCE
$$; Y$b._ _,d$P' WM: Xfwm4
Y$$. `.`"Y$$$$P"' WM Theme: Moheli
`$$b "-.__ GTK Theme: Adwaita-dark [GTK2]
`Y$$ Icon Theme: Zafiro-icons
`Y$$. Font: TeX Gyre Bonum 10
`$$b. CPU: Intel Core i5-6440HQ CPU @ 3.5GHz
`Y$$b. GPU: Mesa DRI Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 (Skylake GT2)
`"Y$b._ RAM: 3548MiB / 7599MiB

Everything is fine using Debian stable, but sometimes (and it is the case right now, especially just before the Debian buster stable release), I am haunted by other demons :
- ArchLinux or Manjaro. Well I am a mathematician and I am not fond of playing computer games. I like when the things are stable because I hate losing time to rebuilt my system after a break system. I don't developed anything for the linux community and after watching this video,

it seems to me Arch is more suitable for developers.
So I give up using any Arch distribution, and I can live peacefully with it.

One aspect that I loved about Arch is that it has this minimalist philosophy but this has a cost (the time needed). Moreover I think it's the best way to learn about a linux distribution by ourself because we need to debug knowing what we are doing and not just copy/paste for the documentation.

I choose Debian stable with minimal install and then I added my file manager (pcmanfm) and all other software I needed (using backport or flatpak (inkscape, gimp, geogebra, franz, blender, steams,...)).

My question is the following: we read a lot about the stable release that it provides very old packages. Can you give me examples where this could lead me to say: "arf Debian stable is not that perfect".

Referring to

Debian has a lot of valuable points, even if I consider the votes biased. It is the best distribution for machine learning algorithms, a domain which is continuously changing. So why on the one hand we say it uses a lot of very old package and on the other hand it is the best to use for new libraries in python, ... ?

What is struggling me is that people easily says that Debian is bad since it has old packages but I don't have precise situations where it could be a problem to use old package.

Take an example: java with openjdk and openjre. The version is not the same for testing and stable, but is it really a huge change (in terms of productivity or available libraries or software) to use the newest version of java ?

More WTF
Is there a "sociology" study (on the social aspect, on the professional aspect or any relevant criterion) on the linux community related to the distribution that they used ?

share|improve this question

put on hold as primarily opinion-based by Romeo Ninov, GAD3R, JdeBP, RoVo, muru Apr 8 at 14:26

Many good questions generate some degree of opinion based on expert experience, but answers to this question will tend to be almost entirely based on opinions, rather than facts, references, or specific expertise. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

  • 2

    People are not telepathic, and cannot determine what will affect your productivity nor what your personal idea of perfection is. Neither, moreover, is an objective criterion against which right answers can be measured. This is a Q&A WWW site, where answers are marked right and wrong by people.

    – JdeBP
    Apr 8 at 14:16




 ,g$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$P. OS: Debian 9.8 stretch
,g$$P"" """Y$$.". Kernel: x86_64 Linux 4.19.0-0.bpo.2-amd64
,$$P' `$$$. Uptime: 6h 25m
',$$P ,ggs. `$$b: Packages: 1891
`d$$' ,$P"' . $$$ Shell: zsh 5.3.1
$$P d$' , $$P Resolution: 1920x1080
$$: $$. - ,d$$' DE: XFCE
$$; Y$b._ _,d$P' WM: Xfwm4
Y$$. `.`"Y$$$$P"' WM Theme: Moheli
`$$b "-.__ GTK Theme: Adwaita-dark [GTK2]
`Y$$ Icon Theme: Zafiro-icons
`Y$$. Font: TeX Gyre Bonum 10
`$$b. CPU: Intel Core i5-6440HQ CPU @ 3.5GHz
`Y$$b. GPU: Mesa DRI Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 (Skylake GT2)
`"Y$b._ RAM: 3548MiB / 7599MiB

Everything is fine using Debian stable, but sometimes (and it is the case right now, especially just before the Debian buster stable release), I am haunted by other demons :
- ArchLinux or Manjaro. Well I am a mathematician and I am not fond of playing computer games. I like when the things are stable because I hate losing time to rebuilt my system after a break system. I don't developed anything for the linux community and after watching this video,

it seems to me Arch is more suitable for developers.
So I give up using any Arch distribution, and I can live peacefully with it.

One aspect that I loved about Arch is that it has this minimalist philosophy but this has a cost (the time needed). Moreover I think it's the best way to learn about a linux distribution by ourself because we need to debug knowing what we are doing and not just copy/paste for the documentation.

I choose Debian stable with minimal install and then I added my file manager (pcmanfm) and all other software I needed (using backport or flatpak (inkscape, gimp, geogebra, franz, blender, steams,...)).

My question is the following: we read a lot about the stable release that it provides very old packages. Can you give me examples where this could lead me to say: "arf Debian stable is not that perfect".

Referring to

Debian has a lot of valuable points, even if I consider the votes biased. It is the best distribution for machine learning algorithms, a domain which is continuously changing. So why on the one hand we say it uses a lot of very old package and on the other hand it is the best to use for new libraries in python, ... ?

What is struggling me is that people easily says that Debian is bad since it has old packages but I don't have precise situations where it could be a problem to use old package.

Take an example: java with openjdk and openjre. The version is not the same for testing and stable, but is it really a huge change (in terms of productivity or available libraries or software) to use the newest version of java ?

More WTF
Is there a "sociology" study (on the social aspect, on the professional aspect or any relevant criterion) on the linux community related to the distribution that they used ?

share|improve this question

 ,g$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$P. OS: Debian 9.8 stretch
,g$$P"" """Y$$.". Kernel: x86_64 Linux 4.19.0-0.bpo.2-amd64
,$$P' `$$$. Uptime: 6h 25m
',$$P ,ggs. `$$b: Packages: 1891
`d$$' ,$P"' . $$$ Shell: zsh 5.3.1
$$P d$' , $$P Resolution: 1920x1080
$$: $$. - ,d$$' DE: XFCE
$$; Y$b._ _,d$P' WM: Xfwm4
Y$$. `.`"Y$$$$P"' WM Theme: Moheli
`$$b "-.__ GTK Theme: Adwaita-dark [GTK2]
`Y$$ Icon Theme: Zafiro-icons
`Y$$. Font: TeX Gyre Bonum 10
`$$b. CPU: Intel Core i5-6440HQ CPU @ 3.5GHz
`Y$$b. GPU: Mesa DRI Intel(R) HD Graphics 530 (Skylake GT2)
`"Y$b._ RAM: 3548MiB / 7599MiB

Everything is fine using Debian stable, but sometimes (and it is the case right now, especially just before the Debian buster stable release), I am haunted by other demons :
- ArchLinux or Manjaro. Well I am a mathematician and I am not fond of playing computer games. I like when the things are stable because I hate losing time to rebuilt my system after a break system. I don't developed anything for the linux community and after watching this video,

it seems to me Arch is more suitable for developers.
So I give up using any Arch distribution, and I can live peacefully with it.

One aspect that I loved about Arch is that it has this minimalist philosophy but this has a cost (the time needed). Moreover I think it's the best way to learn about a linux distribution by ourself because we need to debug knowing what we are doing and not just copy/paste for the documentation.

I choose Debian stable with minimal install and then I added my file manager (pcmanfm) and all other software I needed (using backport or flatpak (inkscape, gimp, geogebra, franz, blender, steams,...)).

My question is the following: we read a lot about the stable release that it provides very old packages. Can you give me examples where this could lead me to say: "arf Debian stable is not that perfect".

Referring to

Debian has a lot of valuable points, even if I consider the votes biased. It is the best distribution for machine learning algorithms, a domain which is continuously changing. So why on the one hand we say it uses a lot of very old package and on the other hand it is the best to use for new libraries in python, ... ?

What is struggling me is that people easily says that Debian is bad since it has old packages but I don't have precise situations where it could be a problem to use old package.

Take an example: java with openjdk and openjre. The version is not the same for testing and stable, but is it really a huge change (in terms of productivity or available libraries or software) to use the newest version of java ?

More WTF
Is there a "sociology" study (on the social aspect, on the professional aspect or any relevant criterion) on the linux community related to the distribution that they used ?

linux debian version

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

edited Apr 8 at 14:31


asked Apr 8 at 14:05




put on hold as primarily opinion-based by Romeo Ninov, GAD3R, JdeBP, RoVo, muru Apr 8 at 14:26

Many good questions generate some degree of opinion based on expert experience, but answers to this question will tend to be almost entirely based on opinions, rather than facts, references, or specific expertise. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

put on hold as primarily opinion-based by Romeo Ninov, GAD3R, JdeBP, RoVo, muru Apr 8 at 14:26

Many good questions generate some degree of opinion based on expert experience, but answers to this question will tend to be almost entirely based on opinions, rather than facts, references, or specific expertise. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

  • 2

    People are not telepathic, and cannot determine what will affect your productivity nor what your personal idea of perfection is. Neither, moreover, is an objective criterion against which right answers can be measured. This is a Q&A WWW site, where answers are marked right and wrong by people.

    – JdeBP
    Apr 8 at 14:16

  • 2

    People are not telepathic, and cannot determine what will affect your productivity nor what your personal idea of perfection is. Neither, moreover, is an objective criterion against which right answers can be measured. This is a Q&A WWW site, where answers are marked right and wrong by people.

    – JdeBP
    Apr 8 at 14:16



People are not telepathic, and cannot determine what will affect your productivity nor what your personal idea of perfection is. Neither, moreover, is an objective criterion against which right answers can be measured. This is a Q&A WWW site, where answers are marked right and wrong by people.

– JdeBP
Apr 8 at 14:16

People are not telepathic, and cannot determine what will affect your productivity nor what your personal idea of perfection is. Neither, moreover, is an objective criterion against which right answers can be measured. This is a Q&A WWW site, where answers are marked right and wrong by people.

– JdeBP
Apr 8 at 14:16



















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대한민국 목차 국명 지리 역사 정치 국방 경제 사회 문화 국제 순위 관련 항목 각주 외부 링크 둘러보기 메뉴북위 37° 34′ 08″ 동경 126° 58′ 36″ / 북위 37.568889° 동경 126.976667°  / 37.568889; 126.976667ehThe Korean Repository문단을 편집문단을 편집추가해Clarkson PLC 사Report for Selected Countries and Subjects-Korea“Human Development Index and its components: P.198”“”"한국은 국제법상 한반도 유일 합법정부 아니다" - 오마이뉴스 모바일Report for Selected Countries and Subjects: South Korea격동의 역사와 함께한 조선일보 90년 : 조선일보 인수해 혁신시킨 신석우, 임시정부 때는 '대한민국' 국호(國號) 정해《우리가 몰랐던 우리 역사: 나라 이름의 비밀을 찾아가는 역사 여행》“남북 공식호칭 ‘남한’‘북한’으로 쓴다”“Corea 대 Korea, 누가 이긴 거야?”국내기후자료 - 한국[김대중 前 대통령 서거] 과감한 구조개혁 'DJ노믹스'로 최단기간 환란극복 :: 네이버 뉴스“이라크 "韓-쿠르드 유전개발 MOU 승인 안해"(종합)”“해외 우리국민 추방사례 43%가 일본”차기전차 K2'흑표'의 세계 최고 전력 분석, 쿠키뉴스 엄기영, 2007-03-02두산인프라, 헬기잡는 장갑차 'K21'...내년부터 공급, 고뉴스 이대준, 2008-10-30과거 내용 찾기mk 뉴스 - 구매력 기준으로 보면 한국 1인당 소득 3만弗과거 내용 찾기"The N-11: More Than an Acronym"Archived조선일보 최우석, 2008-11-01Global 500 2008: Countries - South Korea“몇년째 '시한폭탄'... 가계부채, 올해는 터질까”가구당 부채 5000만원 처음 넘어서“‘빚’으로 내몰리는 사회.. 위기의 가계대출”“[경제365] 공공부문 부채 급증…800조 육박”“"소득 양극화 다소 완화...불평등은 여전"”“공정사회·공생발전 한참 멀었네”iSuppli,08年2QのDRAMシェア・ランキングを発表(08/8/11)South Korea dominates shipbuilding industry | Stock Market News & Stocks to Watch from StraightStocks한국 자동차 생산, 3년 연속 세계 5위자동차수출 '현대-삼성 웃고 기아-대우-쌍용은 울고' 과거 내용 찾기동반성장위 창립 1주년 맞아Archived"중기적합 3개업종 합의 무시한 채 선정"李대통령, 사업 무분별 확장 소상공인 생계 위협 질타삼성-LG, 서민업종인 빵·분식사업 잇따라 철수상생은 뒷전…SSM ‘몸집 불리기’ 혈안Archived“경부고속도에 '아시안하이웨이' 표지판”'철의 실크로드' 앞서 '말(言)의 실크로드'부터, 프레시안 정창현, 2008-10-01“'서울 지하철은 안전한가?'”“서울시 “올해 안에 모든 지하철역 스크린도어 설치””“부산지하철 1,2호선 승강장 안전펜스 설치 완료”“전교조, 정부 노조 통계서 처음 빠져”“[Weekly BIZ] 도요타 '제로 이사회'가 리콜 사태 불러들였다”“S Korea slams high tuition costs”““정치가 여론 양극화 부채질… 합리주의 절실””“〈"`촛불집회'는 민주주의의 질적 변화 상징"〉”““촛불집회가 민주주의 왜곡 초래””“국민 65%, "한국 노사관계 대립적"”“한국 국가경쟁력 27위‥노사관계 '꼴찌'”“제대로 형성되지 않은 대한민국 이념지형”“[신년기획-갈등의 시대] 갈등지수 OECD 4위…사회적 손실 GDP 27% 무려 300조”“2012 총선-대선의 키워드는 '국민과 소통'”“한국 삶의 질 27위, 2000년과 2008년 연속 하위권 머물러”“[해피 코리아] 행복점수 68점…해외 평가선 '낙제점'”“한국 어린이·청소년 행복지수 3년 연속 OECD ‘꼴찌’”“한국 이혼율 OECD중 8위”“[통계청] 한국 이혼율 OECD 4위”“오피니언 [이렇게 생각한다] `부부의 날` 에 돌아본 이혼율 1위 한국”“Suicide Rates by Country, Global Health Observatory Data Repository.”“1. 또 다른 차별”“오피니언 [편집자에게] '왕따'와 '패거리 정치' 심리는 닮은꼴”“[미래한국리포트] 무한경쟁에 빠진 대한민국”“대학생 98% "외모가 경쟁력이라는 말 동의"”“특급호텔 웨딩·200만원대 유모차… "남보다 더…" 호화病, 고질병 됐다”“[스트레스 공화국] ① 경쟁사회, 스트레스 쌓인다”““매일 30여명 자살 한국, 의사보다 무속인에…””“"자살 부르는 '우울증', 환자 중 85% 치료 안 받아"”“정신병원을 가다”“대한민국도 ‘묻지마 범죄’,안전지대 아니다”“유엔 "학생 '성적 지향'에 따른 차별 금지하라"”“유엔아동권리위원회 보고서 및 번역본 원문”“고졸 성공스토리 담은 '제빵왕 김탁구' 드라마 나온다”“‘빛 좋은 개살구’ 고졸 취업…실습 대신 착취”원본 문서“정신건강, 사회적 편견부터 고쳐드립니다”‘소통’과 ‘행복’에 목 마른 사회가 잠들어 있던 ‘심리학’ 깨웠다“[포토] 사유리-곽금주 교수의 유쾌한 심리상담”“"올해 한국인 평균 영화관람횟수 세계 1위"(종합)”“[게임연중기획] 게임은 문화다-여가활동 1순위 게임”“영화속 ‘영어 지상주의’ …“왠지 씁쓸한데””“2월 `신문 부수 인증기관` 지정..방송법 후속작업”“무료신문 성장동력 ‘차별성’과 ‘갈등해소’”대한민국 국회 법률지식정보시스템"Pew Research Center's Religion & Public Life Project: South Korea"“amp;vwcd=MT_ZTITLE&path=인구·가구%20>%20인구총조사%20>%20인구부문%20>%20 총조사인구(2005)%20>%20전수부문&oper_YN=Y&item=&keyword=종교별%20인구& amp;lang_mode=kor&list_id= 2005년 통계청 인구 총조사”원본 문서“한국인이 좋아하는 취미와 운동 (2004-2009)”“한국인이 좋아하는 취미와 운동 (2004-2014)”Archived“한국, `부분적 언론자유국' 강등〈프리덤하우스〉”“국경없는기자회 "한국, 인터넷감시 대상국"”“한국, 조선산업 1위 유지(S. Korea Stays Top Shipbuilding Nation) RZD-Partner Portal”원본 문서“한국, 4년 만에 ‘선박건조 1위’”“옛 마산시,인터넷속도 세계 1위”“"한국 초고속 인터넷망 세계1위"”“인터넷·휴대폰 요금, 외국보다 훨씬 비싸”“한국 관세행정 6년 연속 세계 '1위'”“한국 교통사고 사망자 수 OECD 회원국 중 2위”“결핵 후진국' 한국, 환자가 급증한 이유는”“수술은 신중해야… 자칫하면 생명 위협”대한민국분류대한민국의 지도대한민국 정부대표 다국어포털대한민국 전자정부대한민국 국회한국방송공사about korea and information korea브리태니커 백과사전(한국편)론리플래닛의 정보(한국편)CIA의 세계 정보(한국편)마리암 부디아 (Mariam Budia),『한국: 하늘이 내린 한 폭의 그림』, 서울: 트랜스라틴 19호 (2012년 3월)대한민국ehehehehehehehehehehehehehehWorldCat132441370n791268020000 0001 2308 81034078029-6026373548cb11863345f(데이터)00573706ge128495