
Showing posts from April 2, 2019

Redefining symbol midway through a documentConflict between color, graphicx and libertineWish to design new integral symbol with infinity symbol through itTeXLive/PDFTeX fonts loading problemConverting all numbers in document to set number of decimal placesGenerating PDF/A-1b compliant documents using pdfx and pdfLaTeXUndefined control sequence Hy@MakeCurrentHrefAuto when using tex4htRedefining math symbols like eta (with ensuremath)Redefining command outside math modebar through letter in mathmodeAdd an iterative layer to IfFileExists to check each graphicspath

Car headlights in a world without electricity What is the fastest integer factorization to break RSA? Why was the shrink from 8″ made only to 5.25″ and not smaller (4″ or less) Does the Idaho Potato Commission associate potato skins with healthy eating? Theorists sure want true answers to this! Should I tell management that I intend to leave due to bad software development practices? Is it "common practice in Fourier transform spectroscopy to multiply the measured interferogram by an apodizing function"? If so, why? Ambiguity in the definition of entropy How to travel to Japan while expressing milk? How seriously should I take size and weight limits of hand luggage? What is the most common color to indicate the input-field is disabled? How can a day be of 24 hours? Where would I need my direct neural interface to be implanted? How do I exit BASH while loop using modulus operator? Using "tail" to follow a file without displaying the most r...