Category:Marilyn Monroe 하위 분류"Marilyn Monroe" 분류에 속하는 문서"Marilyn Monroe" 분류에 속하는 미디어둘러보기 메뉴미디어 올리기공식 홈페이지국제표준이름식별기호: 0000 0003 6863 9110가상국제전거파일 ID: 27069077독일 통합전거파일 ID: 118583549미국 의회도서관 전거 ID: n79055651ULAN: 500342163프랑스 국립도서관 ID: 11916572rSUDOC 전거 식별자: 027035271IMDb ID: nm0000054일본 국립국회도서관 ID: 00621148오스트레일리아 국립도서관 ID: 35358965뮤직브레인즈 아티스트 ID: 6e60deeb-a666-42c5-95cb-a5eada6bbbe5오픈 라이브러리 ID: OL445568A체코 국립도서관 ID: jn20000701257스웨덴 도서관정보시스템 ID: 232535이스라엘 국립도서관 ID: 000419681스페인 국립도서관 ID: XX1036375루마니아 국립도서관 식별자: 000343620네덜란드 국립도서관 저자 ID: 069261164BIBSYS ID: 90185937미 국립문서기록관리청 식별자: 10582275ReasonatorScholia통계학
1926 births1962 deathsMonroe (surname)Marilyn (given name)Actresses from the United States born in the 1920sActresses from CaliforniaFemale blond hair in the United StatesFemale models from the United StatesFemale vocalists from the United StatesFilm actresses from the United StatesGolden Globe Award winnersJewish actressesJewish people of the United StatesPeople of Hawthorne, CaliforniaPeople of Los AngelesPeople who died by suicidePlayboy PlaymatesRCA Victor artistsScottish Americans20th-century women of the United StatesHollywood Walk of Fame honoreesConverts to Judaism from Roman CatholicismFormer Roman Catholics
Category:Marilyn Monroe
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Azərbaycanca: Marilyn Monroe (1 iyun 1926 - 5 avqust 1962), (əsl adıNorma Jeane Mortenson) Yəhudi əslli. ABŞlı kino oyunçusu, müğənnisi və model. 20. əsrin ən məşhur kino ulduzlarından, seks sembollerini və pop ikonlarından biri idi.
Čeština: Marilyn Monroe (roz. Norma Jeane Mortenson, 1. června 1926 – 5. srpna 1962) byla americká filmová herečka, modelka a popová ikona považovaná za největší sexuální symbol 50. let 20. století
Deutsch: Marilyn Monroe (geborene Norma Jeane Mortenson, 1. Juni 1926 – 5. August 1962) war ein Filmstar, Sexsymbol und Popikone des 20. Jahrhunderts.
English: Marilyn Monroe (born Norma Jeane Mortenson, June 1, 1926 – August 5, 1962) was a twentieth-century movie star, sex symbol and pop icon.
Español: Marilyn Monroe (1926-1962) es el nombre artístico de Norma Jeane Mortensen, actriz estadounidense nacida en Los Ángeles (California), y que llegó a ser un icono de los años 1950.
Türkçe: Marilyn Monroe (1 Haziran 1926 - 5 Ağustos 1962), (asıl adı Norma Jeane Mortenson) Yahudi asıllı . ABD'li sinema oyuncusu, şarkıcı ve model. 20. yüzyılın en ünlü sinema yıldızlarından, seks sembollerinden ve pop ikonlarından biriydi.
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미국의 배우, 모델, 가수 ![]() | |||
미디어 올리기 | |||
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태어난 날 | 1926년 6월 1일 로스앤젤레스 (캘리포니아주, 미국) Norma Jeane Mortenson | ||
사망한 날 | 1962년 8월 5일 브렌트우드 (로스앤젤레스) (미국, 캘리포니아주)
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묻힌 곳 |
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활동 기간 (시작) | 1947년 | ||
활동 기간 (종료) | 1962년 | ||
국적 |
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다녔던 학교 |
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직업 |
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모어 |
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배우자 |
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다음 상을 수상하였음 |
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공식 홈페이지 | |||
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하위 분류
다음은 이 분류에 속하는 하위 분류 9개 가운데 9개입니다.
► Marilyn Monroe crypt (7 F)
► Marilyn Monroe filmography (14 C)
► Marilyn Monroe house (3 F)
► Marilyn Monroe in art (8 C, 58 F)
► Marilyn Monroe by year (14 C)
► Marilyn Monroe wearing fur (3 F)
► Marilyn Monroe memorabilia (1 C, 5 F)
► Arthur Miller (2 C, 11 F)
► Things named after Marilyn Monroe (3 C, 6 F)
"Marilyn Monroe" 분류에 속하는 문서
이 분류에는 문서 1개만이 속해 있습니다.
- Marilyn Monroe
"Marilyn Monroe" 분류에 속하는 미디어
다음은 이 분류에 속하는 파일 27개 가운데 27개입니다.
Grauman's Chinese Theatre, marilyn monroe.JPG
2,592 × 1,944; 926 KB
Hisaya-Ôdôri Park - Marilyn Monroe Handprints.jpg
2,755 × 4,075; 2.08 MB
House Marilyn Monroe.jpg
5,760 × 3,840; 7.6 MB
975 × 1,257; 183 KB
Jaap van den Born - muurschildering Marilyn Monroe.jpg
3,264 × 1,832; 749 KB
June01 Marilyn Monroe.jpg
1,001 × 300; 103 KB
926 × 606; 71 KB
Marilyn Monroe 10 year death tribute 1972 (v2).jpg
1,248 × 1,860; 278 KB
Marilyn Monroe 10 year death tribute 1972.jpg
962 × 712; 101 KB
Marilyn monroe as an infant brightened.jpg
637 × 929; 99 KB
Marilyn Monroe Birth Certificate original.jpg
735 × 440; 67 KB
Marilyn Monroe Birth Certificate.jpg
699 × 428; 83 KB
Marilyn Monroe Grauman's Chinese Theatre.jpg
4,928 × 3,264; 4.77 MB
Marilyn Monroe postcard.JPG
2,000 × 1,504; 575 KB
Marilyn Monroe Signature.svg
875 × 249; 6 KB
Marilyn Monroe star, Warsaw.jpg
1,504 × 1,393; 1.04 MB
Marilyn, dernières séances.jpg
448 × 506; 20 KB
Monroe and James Dougherty.jpg
1,183 × 1,750; 692 KB
Monroe and Russell 1953.jpg
579 × 289; 56 KB
Monroe as an infant.png
640 × 966; 425 KB
945 × 1,247; 1.27 MB
New York Mirror August 9 1962 Joe DiMaggio in Monroe's funeral.png
700 × 929; 592 KB
New York Mirror Front Page of August 6, 1962.jpeg
1,500 × 1,938; 948 KB
1,162 × 1,587; 641 KB
Phoenix, AZ, Marilyn Moonroe - panoramio.jpg
4,000 × 3,000; 2.78 MB
Portrait of young Marilyn Monroe.jpg
444 × 592; 176 KB
Star of Marilyn Monroe on Hollywood Blvd - With Pedestrians - Hollywood - Los Angeles, CA - USA (6914495015).jpg
2,736 × 3,648; 3.17 MB
- 1926 births
- 1962 deaths
- Monroe (surname)
- Marilyn (given name)
- Actresses from the United States born in the 1920s
- Actresses from California
- Female blond hair in the United States
- Female models from the United States
- Female vocalists from the United States
- Film actresses from the United States
- Golden Globe Award winners
- Jewish actresses
- Jewish people of the United States
- People of Hawthorne, California
- People of Los Angeles
- People who died by suicide
- Playboy Playmates
- RCA Victor artists
- Scottish Americans
- 20th-century women of the United States
- Hollywood Walk of Fame honorees
- Converts to Judaism from Roman Catholicism
- Former Roman Catholics
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